Launched in October 2021, Mysa is an online retailer of beautiful and naturally preserved flower arrangements, all handpicked and put together by professional florists.
Mysa was a completely new brand, so it required paid and organic social media campaigns to grow online visibility and drive sales. But the flower market is competitive, so we needed to make Mysa flourish to make it stand out to potential customers. Seasonal demand was around the corner too; Christmas, New Year and Mother’s Day weren’t far off, so we needed to launch quickly to maximise sales.
Knowing all social media content would stem from the beauty of the brand, we organised photoshoots to perfectly capture Mysa flowers and build a catalogue of elegant, optimised photos and videos. We shared the content in paid social media campaigns and through meticulous testing and analysis of data, unravelled the formula for which channels, ad sets, and creatives obtain maximum conversions.
Influencer marketing and branded partnerships have been particularly powerful. Running paid social campaigns promoting everything from flash seasonal sales to collaborations, has generated bundles of user-generated content, leads and conversions. One paid Mother’s Day campaign alone generated £17K in revenue, secured media coverage and backlinks in The Daily Star and featured on Instagram accounts with 60k+ followers including Baylis and Harding and Cottage by the Tarn.
We delivered just shy of £100k in revenue through paid social alone, a ROAS of 5.0. We secured features on 30+ Instagram pages, positioning Mysa in front of 1.2-million followers.
More paid media results
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